Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This is My Life

It's the little things that make you realize just how much your life changes once you become a parent. Take this picture, for example.

I mean, here I am, just wanting to sit down and wipe out some imperial scum in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (a game I would have given up on several times were it not Star Wars) and I notice that someone has added their own personal touch to my entertainment center. I mean, we've got the big TV, Xbox 360 and PS3, as well as the surround sound system and Blu Ray collection, so why not add a single My Little Pony?

I love my daughter. I love that even when she's not here she is influencing my life and constantly reminding me how much better my life is with her around to leave me these little surprises.

It does look kinda cute there, doesn't it?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Finally Fast.com commercial producers have obviously never used a computer

Has anyone else seen this commercial?

This horrible trainwreck of an excuse for advertising plays like every five minutes on G4. Usually it's the far superior (and only slightly less annoying) one minute version, but everything I have to say about it pretty much holds true for the extended remix version above as well.

First off, the commercial blatantly states that their "services" are only for PC computers, no Mac support over at finally fast. Why, then, are most of the computers shown in the commercial Macs? Both the stupidly-enthusiastic "kinda fast" (read: slow) kid and the amazingly-talented woman who is somehow able to talk on the phone and crash her computer at the same time are both using Apple computers.

Speaking of Madame Multitasker, not only can she do two things at once without even chewing gum, but she also possesses the power to cause the Windows bluescreen of death of a Macintosh! Keep that lady away from my PS3, I wouldn't want it to catch the red ring of death!

On a side note, I love that the chick is trying to connect to the fabulously generic "email.com." Definitely one of the web's most popular destination for generic ads that attempt to point you to actual email sites.

Don't even get me started on the "kid" who is attempting to play what looks like a shitty 1942 knockoff online, with a gamepad, no less.

I guess anyone who would be stupid enough to think a magic website will speed up their spyware-choked computer wouldn't notice these glaring errors, but it's a blatant affront to the intelligence of the average G4 viewer (at least those who tune in for AOTS or X-Play, those who watch solely for COPS or Cheaters may be slightly less geeky). You have to wonder about the marketing genius that decided that an ad for a service to be utilized by those with little to no computer aptitude would be a great fit for a channel devoted to tecnhophiles and gamers.

Excellent decision making.

Equally bad are the game-design school commercials targeted at people who obviously have no idea of the game design process or its inherent difficulty. Scott Sharkey did a write up on the best over at 1up.com.