Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Red Faction: Guerrilla

So I spent a little time today with Red Faction: Guerrilla. I absolutely loved the original RF, back in the PS2 days. It was the first game to allow players to be truly creative with their destructive impulses. Locked doors were no problem, one could simply rocket launcher through the wall next to the door and go about their business.

The destruction is definitely back in RF: Guerrilla. Unlike other open-world games where plowing your vehicle into a building results in a spectacular fireball and no visible damage to the wall, in RF you can simply plow straight through, provided you have enough momentum. My favorite part is definitely the destruction objectives, and I spent most of today discovering new ways to tear apart buildings.

You can attempt to strategically place charges on load-bearing portions of the structure, if you like. You can also sledgehammer an entire wall into rubble, if you so choose. My new favorite tactic, however, is jumping into the largest vehicle I can find, getting up as much speed as possible, and trying to drive straight through the building before turning around for another pass. This has proven quite enjoyable.

The missions are kind of pissing me off, though. Volition tends to fall into the "make missions difficult by throwing impossible amounts of enemies at you" school of design. It was something that bothered me in Saints Row 2 until I unlocked unlimited SMG ammo, so I'm hoping a similar revelation will make Guerrilla slightly easier as well.

Until then, there are always buildings to destroy.

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