Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Star Trek Online Digital Deluxe Edition

Check out the latest news about the upcoming Star Trek Online! There is going to be a Digital Deluxe Edition of the game available that offers a buttload of bonuses including uniforms from The Original Series and the ability to play as a joined Trill. Check out the full write up at Bright Hub!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Star Trek Online Pre Order Bonuses

Hey guys, just finished another article for Bright Hub and it's an awesome one. I don't think it's a secret that I'm a bit of a nerd, so I'm looking forward to Star Trek Online pretty hardcore. I've been thinking about pre ordering, but I can't decide which bonus to go for. They're offering seven separate bonuses, so it's a tough decision. Check out the full rundown at Star Trek Online Pre Order Bonuses at Your Favorite Retailer

Friday, November 20, 2009

Best Super Mario Bros Power Ups

I've been playing through New Super Mario Bros Wii pretty quickly, and all the retro-Mario goodness got me thinking about the series as a whole. There have been some pretty sweet power ups throughout the years, and I wrote a couple articles about them.

The first, The Top 5 Mario Bros Power Ups of all Time, explores the in-game advantages of the top power ups.

The second, Top 6 Mario Power Ups I Want in Real Life, asks the question, what would you do if you could set anyone who pissed you off on fire?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Animal Crossing Guides to Bug Catching, Fishing, Decorating, and Holidays

I've been working on a series of Animal Crossing: City Folk articles over at Bright Hub, and I've published four so far. Whether you're looking to get some Bug Catching Hints and Tips, check out some Animal Crossing Fishing Strategies, learn the ins and outs of Decorating and the Happy Room Academy, or just get the lowdown on all the great Animal Crossing Holiday Events, you'll find all the information you need in my extensive guides.

Nintendo Wii Price Drops: How Else Could You Could Spend Your $200?

With all the recent video game console price drops, many people are rushing out and picking up new systems left and right. But what are these people giving up? Are they all considering all the other fine items they could be purchasing for their hard-earned money?

I was curious exactly how far the $200 price of a Nintendo Wii could take you, so I did some research. Check out the results over at Bright Hub: Nintendo Wii Drops to $200 Bucks: What Else Could That Money Buy You?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Nintendo Wii Christmas Gift Ideas

So, yeah, it may be a little early, but I just finished a series of articles about great Nintendo Wii gift ideas over at Bright Hub.

Check out some great Nintendo Wii Accessory Gift Ideas, Nintendo Wii Game Gift Ideas, and Awesome Nintendo Merchandise Gift Ideas.

Nintendo Character Costume Ideas

Like a lot of people, I've started my search for the perfect costume this Halloween. Being a large fellow (Santa is my all time favorite costume), the idea of dressing up like Mario has always appealed to me.
With this in mind, I did a little research into cool Nintendo Character Costumes and wrote a guide over at Bright Hub. Check it out.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wii Fit Board Games and Accessories

Looking for the best items to accompany that Wii Fit Board that is currently sitting unused under your bed? Well I've rounded up the best accessories for you Wii Fit workout and the best games that use the Wii Fit board, as well as compiled a full list of Wii balance board games for you to peruse. Check them both out at Bright Hub.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Free Rock Band Song Downloads

So I've been rocking (pun intended) the new Pepsi Rock Band promotion. Basically, you enter codes from caps and you can win free song downloads. I've won 7 free songs so far, so the odds of winning are pretty damn good.

I figured other people might want to know how to get these bitchin' free song downloads, so I wrote a guide to the promotion over at Bright Hub: How to Get Free Rock Band Downloads from Pepsi. Check it out .

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, or Playstation 3?

In my days working video game retail, I was often asked to recommend one system over another, or compare them for a customer who only had enough cash to purchase one. The decision should be largely based on a person's individual taste, but there are certain things about each system that potential buyers should be aware of.

I've written a couple guides about these things, and have published them over at Bright Hub. Please check out my guides to Xbox 360 Vs. Nintendo Wii and Playstation 3 Vs. Nintendo Wii, if you're in the market for a system. Or if you just want to hear a huge nerd rant on about how much he knows about various consoles.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Free Wii Internet Channel Games Guide

The Nintendo Wii is pretty damn cool. Not only does it have sweet games like Mario Galaxy, Wii Fit, and Smash Bros, but you can also find sweet sites online through the Internet Channel where you can play games for free. I've written a guide to several of the best sites out there. Check out the Guide to Free Wii Internet Channel Games at Bright Hub.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Are All MMORPG and Online Game Players Jerks?

This is a question that's always fascinated me. Why do some people feel the need to ruin a perfectly good game experience for others? Why is it that every time you ask a question in a global channel in an online game you get 16 sarcastic replies and maybe one actual answer if you're lucky? It's because of the jerks!

I've looked into the psychology of the jerk, peering deep into his psyche in an attempt to find out what makes him such a jackass. Check out my findings, with a little help from Penny Arcade and a heartfelt message from the Pope.

So, Why Are MMO Players Such Big Jerks?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Two Great Wii Articles

For those who may be having trouble connecting their Nintendo Wii to their wireless network, I have recently published a Guide to Getting Online With the Nintendo Wii that may prove helpful. I even took some crooked pictures with my digital camera for visual aid purposes. I am that thoughtful.

For those in search of more general Wii information, my Guide to Nintendo Wii Features might give you some insight into what exactly makes the console so popular. I run down all the important things, and even provide a helpful link to my many "Top 5" game guides.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ultimate World of Warcraft Guides

I've recently published several collections of in-depth information concerning World of Warcraft.

First, our Ultimate Guide to World of Warcraft Achievements covers all aspects of the WoW achievement system, including holiday event, quest, PvP, exploration, and Argent Tournament achievements, and that's just the beginning.

Our Ultimate Guide to World of Warcraft Factions has all the information you'll need to reach exalted status with many of the game's most lucrative factions including the Oracles, Frenzyheart, Kirin Tor, Knights of the Ebon Blade, and more.

Finally, our Ultimate Guide to World of Warcraft Addons is your one-stop addon resource. We cover the best addons for PvP, PvE, and those great addons that are just for fun. We also have a great review of Curse.com and an overview of some of the best places online to find great WoW Addons. Check it out.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

5 Great Wii Games for Hardcore Gamers

There is a popular perception that the Nintendo Wii is all casual games and workout devices, and that the truly hardcore gamer should avoid the system at all costs. This attitude is what prevents many gamers from experiencing the great games that are available for the system.

Check out my rundown on the Top 5 Nintendo Wii Games for Hardcore Gamers to see what I'm talking about. There are some truly amazing games for even the hardest of hardcore for the system.

Friday, July 3, 2009

5 Great Cheap Nintendo Wii Games

Looking for a great Wii game but don't want to break the bank buying it? Check out my list of the Top 5 Wii Games for Under 20 Bucks over at Bright Hub. Some of my favorite Wii games are on the list, and they're all available for less than the cost of a new DVD!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wii Fit Unlockables

Wii Fit has turned into a ridiculously popular phenomenon. My girlfriend works out with it diligently almost every day. She is constantly asking me to look up what it takes to unlock new activities, yoga poses, and strength exercises and I finally decided it might be a good idea to simply write a Guide to Wii Fit Unlockable Balance Activities, Yoga Poses, Strength Exercises, and more. It's up now over a Bright Hub, check it out!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Midsummer Fire Festival is Here!

Yes, it's once again time to spend a week honoring the fires of your capital cities and dousing the fires of your enemies in World of Warcraft, the Midsummer Fire Festival kicks off today.

Players can earn various achievements for honoring and dousing fires, as well as take on the frost lord Ahune in the slave pens. There is a title to be earned, a pet to win, and various other rewards including limited time buffs available from the fire poles in the major cities.

If you're interested in chasing down all the Fire Festival achievements, I've written a Guide to the Midsummer Holiday Achievements over at Bright Hub. You can find maps to all the bonfires and details for earning each achievement. Check it out.

Friday, June 19, 2009

World of Warcraft Free Trial: Account Restrictions and Download/Registration Instructions

I personally find it hard to believe, but apparently there are people out there who still haven't played World of Warcraft. It's only the most popular MMO of all time, but somehow people still manage to get through life without the overwhelming urge to level a character to 80.

I recently wrote an article detailing the WoW Free Trial Account Restrictions and Download Instructions, and registering and downloading is really so easy these days, there's no excuse for having not played it. They've even introduced a streaming client download. Yes, you're no longer required to spend a day downloading before you can play the game, you start the download in the background and start playing the game almost instantly.

Pretty cool.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Dual Boxing and the World of Warcraft Recruit a Friend Program

So, awhile ago I leveled two characters, a Warlock and a Druid, to 60 using the WoW RAF program. I learned some interesting tips and tricks for playing both characters simultaneously, and I turned my experiences into a guide for anyone who might be thinking about trying something similar.

I also earned a sweet Zhevra mount for my troubles. It did cost a little money, but considering it probably shaved a month or two off of my leveling time, I'd say it was worth it. Triple experience is the only way to go, I doubt I'll level any future alts without it.

Anyway, here's the guide:
Dual Box Your Way to 60 With the WoW Recruit a Friend Program

And no, I don't play as a female gnome.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Red Faction: Guerrilla

So I spent a little time today with Red Faction: Guerrilla. I absolutely loved the original RF, back in the PS2 days. It was the first game to allow players to be truly creative with their destructive impulses. Locked doors were no problem, one could simply rocket launcher through the wall next to the door and go about their business.

The destruction is definitely back in RF: Guerrilla. Unlike other open-world games where plowing your vehicle into a building results in a spectacular fireball and no visible damage to the wall, in RF you can simply plow straight through, provided you have enough momentum. My favorite part is definitely the destruction objectives, and I spent most of today discovering new ways to tear apart buildings.

You can attempt to strategically place charges on load-bearing portions of the structure, if you like. You can also sledgehammer an entire wall into rubble, if you so choose. My new favorite tactic, however, is jumping into the largest vehicle I can find, getting up as much speed as possible, and trying to drive straight through the building before turning around for another pass. This has proven quite enjoyable.

The missions are kind of pissing me off, though. Volition tends to fall into the "make missions difficult by throwing impossible amounts of enemies at you" school of design. It was something that bothered me in Saints Row 2 until I unlocked unlimited SMG ammo, so I'm hoping a similar revelation will make Guerrilla slightly easier as well.

Until then, there are always buildings to destroy.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Final Fantasy IV: The Sequel

I can hardly believe it, but a fantasy (pardon the pun) of mine that I've harbored since the sixth grade has actually come true. Final Fantasy IV (II here in the U.S.) is perhaps my favorite game of all time. I played through it countless times as a teenager and always wished for a sequel of some kind, and now there is one. Available on the Wii Ware channel, I can now purchase Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.

It was originally released as a cell phone game in Japan, I guess. I'm very stoked about this. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to buy some Wii Points.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Parents Guide to Finding Time to Play World of Warcraft

Here's one of my recent articles that I really enjoyed writing. Finding time to play video games, MMORPGs especially, since my daughter was born has been a challenge, but I've found some ways to balance family with gaming and I thought I'd pass them on for other frustrated parents who might think that they have to give up gaming entirely.

It is possible to finish daily quests and even raid and still take care of your parental responsibilities, you just have to be smart about it.

Parent's guide to finding time for MMO gaming

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This is My Life

It's the little things that make you realize just how much your life changes once you become a parent. Take this picture, for example.

I mean, here I am, just wanting to sit down and wipe out some imperial scum in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (a game I would have given up on several times were it not Star Wars) and I notice that someone has added their own personal touch to my entertainment center. I mean, we've got the big TV, Xbox 360 and PS3, as well as the surround sound system and Blu Ray collection, so why not add a single My Little Pony?

I love my daughter. I love that even when she's not here she is influencing my life and constantly reminding me how much better my life is with her around to leave me these little surprises.

It does look kinda cute there, doesn't it?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Finally Fast.com commercial producers have obviously never used a computer

Has anyone else seen this commercial?

This horrible trainwreck of an excuse for advertising plays like every five minutes on G4. Usually it's the far superior (and only slightly less annoying) one minute version, but everything I have to say about it pretty much holds true for the extended remix version above as well.

First off, the commercial blatantly states that their "services" are only for PC computers, no Mac support over at finally fast. Why, then, are most of the computers shown in the commercial Macs? Both the stupidly-enthusiastic "kinda fast" (read: slow) kid and the amazingly-talented woman who is somehow able to talk on the phone and crash her computer at the same time are both using Apple computers.

Speaking of Madame Multitasker, not only can she do two things at once without even chewing gum, but she also possesses the power to cause the Windows bluescreen of death of a Macintosh! Keep that lady away from my PS3, I wouldn't want it to catch the red ring of death!

On a side note, I love that the chick is trying to connect to the fabulously generic "email.com." Definitely one of the web's most popular destination for generic ads that attempt to point you to actual email sites.

Don't even get me started on the "kid" who is attempting to play what looks like a shitty 1942 knockoff online, with a gamepad, no less.

I guess anyone who would be stupid enough to think a magic website will speed up their spyware-choked computer wouldn't notice these glaring errors, but it's a blatant affront to the intelligence of the average G4 viewer (at least those who tune in for AOTS or X-Play, those who watch solely for COPS or Cheaters may be slightly less geeky). You have to wonder about the marketing genius that decided that an ad for a service to be utilized by those with little to no computer aptitude would be a great fit for a channel devoted to tecnhophiles and gamers.

Excellent decision making.

Equally bad are the game-design school commercials targeted at people who obviously have no idea of the game design process or its inherent difficulty. Scott Sharkey did a write up on the best over at 1up.com.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Guide to Killzone 2 Trophies

Here's a link to my newest article, an overview of the many, many trophies up for grabs in the new PS3 game Killzone 2. Check it out.

Killzone 2 Trophies

Friday, January 30, 2009

I Am Published

This is totally personal and mostly unrelated to anything on the blog but I got my first short story published in the Oregon State University literary magazine, Prism. Check it out in the fall issue.

I've also officially graduated. Picked up my degree yesterday and I have to say it's pretty friggin' exciting.

Fallout 3 Weapons Guide, Locations For Unique and Special In-Game Weapons

Yet another article of mine for Bright Hub. There are some awesome weapons to be found in the wasteland of Fallout 3, and my guide will lead you right to 'em.

Don't leave Vault 101 without the information in this guide. Easily locate and acquire special and unique Fallout 3 weapons including A3-21's Plasma Rifle, The Kneecapper, Colonel Autumn's Pistol, and the Wazer Wifle.

Fallout 3 Weapons Guide, Locations For Unique and Special In-Game Weapons

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Gamecube Accessories, Another Article for Bright Hub

Nowadays, curious gamers can pick up a used Gamecube for around 30 dollars. Those interested in checking out what Nintendo’s tiny box can do should consider the following accessories. Each can help gamers get the most out of their Nintendo Gamecube
Top Gamecube Accessories, Get the Most Out of Your Console with These Must-Have Nintendo Gamecube Accessories

Looking for the Best Playstation 2 Accessories? Look no Further!

This is my latest Bright Hub article, for anyone looking to accessorize their Playstation 2.

The Playstation 2 is one of the most popular consoles ever produced. Any gamer looking to properly accessorize their system should seriously consider these five accessories.
Top PS2 Accessories, 5 Essential Playstation 2 Add Ons for Every Gamer